Research & Projects


Ranjan, P., Johnson, M., Bernard, M., et al. (2024). "Exploring the role of ‘intermediaries’ between non-operating landowners and tenant farmers in promoting conservation on rented farmland." Environmental Management.

Popovici, R., Ranjan, P., Bernard, M. et al. (2023). "The Social Factors Influencing Cover Crop Adoption in the Midwest: A Controlled Comparison." Environmental Management.

Working Papers

Bernard, Mazie. "The Politics of Gendered Knowledge in Global Economic Governance: The Evolution of Gender Strategies at the World Bank" (Manuscript available upon request)

Bernard, Mazie. "AI, Algorithms, and Aid: Trust in Digital Tools for Development." (Manuscript available upon request)

Works in Progress

Bernard, Mazie. "Capitalizing on Care: Multilateral Development Banks and Gender-Inclusive Reproductive Projects." 

Bernard, Mazie, Tyler Girard, Erin Hannah, and James Scott. ``Agenda-Setting at the World Trade Organization.''

Bernard, Mazie, Jason Berteotti, and Tyler Girard. ``Bad Reputation: The Domestic Costs of Bargaining with Unreliable Foreign Leaders.''

Dissertation Project

Gendered Knowledge in the Global Political Economy: Explaining the Gendered Politics and Practices of Multilateral Development Banks


This research project investigates the production, dissemination, and impact of gendered knowledge within multilateral development banks (MDBs) and the influence of ideas on international development financing and programming. Drawing from Feminist IPE and everyday political economy literature, this project disaggregates productive power.

Through comparative qualitative case studies of the World Bank, Asian Development Bank, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, and the African Development Bank, this study uses document analysis and elite interviewing to explore how gendered knowledge is created and its impact on governance practices through intra- and inter-organizational relationships.


Qualitative fieldwork at the World Bank, the Asian Development Bank, the African Development Bank, and the European Bank of Reconstruction and Development

Elite Interviewing

Documentary Text and Discourse Analysis


Dr. Tyler Girard (Chair), Purdue University 

Dr. Swati Srivastava (Member), Purdue University

Dr. Shan Zhou (Member), Purdue University

Dr. Miriam Barnum (Member), Purdue University

Dr. Mark Blyth (Member), Brown University